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‘YOG Sadhana’ is for our Body & Mind & So Financial Planning is for Our Money!

Happy International Yoga Day!!

‘Yoga’ is the concept, science, practice & method to follow for the benefit to our body & mind.

It was invented in our India & our Acharyas, Gurus have been practicing it since ancient times. It has evolved over the years.

It has to be followed as ‘Yog sadhana’ because one who choose to practice ‘Yog’, need to follow it regularly & religiously to learn & benefit from the same.

Today, ‘yog sadhana’ has become ‘Yoga’ & whole world is following Yog Today! But the practice, concepts, principles remain the same.

As it is useful & required for healthy body & peaceful mind, ‘Financial planning’ is required for meaningful money management.

Let’s see how Yog & financial planning are required for us.

Discipline & Focus:

‘Yog Sadhana’ helps us to bring discipline in our daily routine, eating habits, & helps us in time management. This is because when we practice Yog daily, we automatically start our day early, do our duties on time. We remain focused on our goals.

‘Financial planning’ gives right way & meaning to our money & personal finance. It makes us realize how we are earning our money, how are we spending it, how are we investing our money. Once we start investments for our goals as per our planning guide, we stick to it & follow the discipline automatically. We never loose our focus from our future goals set.

Removes unsuitable things:

‘Pranayama’, an important part of ‘yog sadhana’, helps us to remove all toxins, harmful cells & things from our body. It also helps to clean our mind by removing negative thoughts, unwanted memories.

This enhances the health of our personal finance.


‘Financial planning’ also analyses your state of finance, helps you remove with unsuitable investments, insurance policies, loans & liabilities if any.

‘Yog sadhana’ has different types or ways of practice e.g. Hath yoga, Ashtang Yoga, etc. Further, it has different types of ‘Pranayama’, ‘Asanas’ to practice.

We all have different body types. All Pranayama & Asanas may not be suitable to us but we can choose the most suitable & beneficial one & practice it.

‘Likewise, ‘Financial planning’ helps to choose & select most suitable investment options, insurance policies, ways of investing, guidance on spending.

When all suitable things come together, they work better.


‘Yog Sadhana’ helps us in being ‘flexible’. Various Asanas like Tadasana, Tiryak Tadasana, Vrukshasana & Surya Namaskar help us in bringing flexibility to our body. Flexible body is away from illnesses.

‘Financial planning’ too helps us in being flexible in our approach yet disciplined towards our money.

Once the plan is made, it is not the full & final one. Many changes take place in our life which has direct/indirect impact on our finances, market performance also keep changing. In a ‘review of your financial planning guide’, we analyze the progress of your plan, study the impact of the resent scenario & make suitable changes accordingly.

Someone said, ‘to achieve the goal, remain focused but be flexible with the ways to achieve it’.!


‘Yog sadhana’ is required to protect our body from viruses, epidemics, illnesses. Pranayama on the other hand, helps our mind to be content & alive. This helps us to stay away from bad habits like addictions which in a way ‘protect’ our body & mind.

When you plan your finances, Wealth protection come hand in hand. Right & suitable insurance policies are the keys to protect our financial wellbeing & independence.

This way, financial planning guide helps us to protect our personal finance.


‘Yog sadhana’ helps us in making us aware of our body & mind. It awakens our ‘real self’. By practicing Yog sadhana, we are well aware of what suits us to eat, drink & think.

Likewise, ultimate aim of financial planning is to make us ‘aware about our own money management skills’.

Planning guide brings many changes in our thinking patterns, spending behavior, investment journey. It increases our knowledge about our finances.

As we move ahead, we better acknowledge how to spend, where to invest.

As we celebrate International Yoga day today, I ask you to follow Yog every day. Be healthy & make your money management healthy by planning for your finances!!


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